Mortgage tips
Good credit rating
A very important thing which counts a lot when we are applying for a mortgage is a credit rating. Sometimes you might fail a credit chaeck simply because you have no credit history, not because you have a bad credit history. Lenders want to see that you will pay back money you borrow and if you have no such history in the past, they have no way of knowing. To get started with building a good credit history, the easiest way is to get a credit card. Once you will have a credit card you should use it from time to time. Just make sure you pay it back on time every month or else your credit history will backfire on you.
Paying your bills on time
Even if you are not planning to get any mortgage now and think that not paying a bill on time and paying it later won’t hurt you, you are wrong.This is how people get a bad credit rating.
Register at electoral register
Lenders are very often checking if you are on the electoral register so even if you are not interested in voting it would be a good idea for you to register.