In spite of all disadvantages of obtaining a degree, university education has also benefits, with graduates tending to be happier and living longer than those who went straight from school to work.
Students must understand that the benefit of getting a degree ‘does not necessarily translate into cash terms’ and better employment opportunities..
Common mistakes
The most common mistake which women are doing is that they keep collecting certificates as they think that it will help them. Majority of people do not need in their education more than one degree for their job purposes. So do not cheat yourself, that you need a second degree to get a job, if you did not get it after your first degree. “Professor Steve Smith, vice chancellor of Exeter University and chairman of the 1994 Group, said that employers valued the transferable life skills graduates have more than their degrees.”
The other issue is that those who won’t be successful in getting a job for graduates will pay more for completing a course than they will ever earn in their future jobs. Although current graduates have more difficulties in getting a job, it is still worth to do an effort to obtain more than A-level and it does not have to be 3 years of education or even more. If you will decide to go to university for 3 years, you should think about getting a work experience after that instead of going into another course.
In some families there is a fashion on forcing children into universities degrees. Most of teenagers who passed their A-levels can go to university but not all of them really need it. If you find that you are happy to be a plumber, you do not need to go to university. Some of professions like GP, layer requiring tohave a university degree. If you would like to become a layer for example you must go to university. Your time is precious, do not waste it but use it properly.
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